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Saturday 7 July 2012

Info Post
Followers, friends, and colleagues of mine often think that I spend HOURS doing social media everyday; reading, writing, and posting to all the various social media outlets I participate in including Blog (the one you are reading), Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn.

Nothing can be further from the truth.

Beyond writing blog posts which does take time... I probably spend about 30 minutes daily reading and sharing. My reading lists typically is from customized Twitter lists I have created following users I find particularly interesting and helpful for my purposes to gain ideas to write about as well as share information that I feel may be of interest to my own followers, mainly on Facebook and Twitter.

Subscribing to RSS feeds can also be used, but I find customized twitter lists easier.

And I automate nearly everything when it comes to sharing to save time.

Here are my workhorse applications I use to save me time: Hootsuite, IFTTT, and bufferapp.


Rather than using Twitter whose interface I find clunky and inefficient, I use Hootsuite which combines all my customized Twitter lists as well as my other social media accounts all onto one concise, clean, and efficient web interface. They also have an iPhone and iPad app.

Any tweets or shared links I encounter, I can easily post to any other social media account all automatically from within Hootsuite so I don't waste time going to each individual websites for posting purposes.


I also extensively use a service from  IFTTT (IF This, Than That) which allows for easy-to-create macros that automatically creates a customized action whenever I do some action. For example, I created a macro (known as recipe in IFTTT) whereby whenever I post something on twitter, IFTTT will automatically repost on LinkedIn... instantly and invisibly. You can create as many macros (recipes) as you want. Automatic responses can occur to over 47 social media accounts (Blog, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, instapaper, email, tumblr, yammer, etc)

So theoretically, you can post once on twitter... and IFTTT will automatically repost the same information on all the other social media services instantly.

Of course, IFTTT can do more than just repost, but that's what I mainly use it for.


Lastly, I use bufferapp. This nifty website will send out tweets at designated times that is user-specified. All the user has to do is "fill" the bufferapp bucket with the information you want tweeted.

So monthly, I will fill the bucket with up to 30 tweets I want sent out twice per day during business hours when tweets typically are noticed.


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