Breaking News
Saturday 12 January 2013

Info Post
An EMG system (ElectroMyoGraphy) is a critical piece of equipment when it comes to targeted muscle injections in and around the neck, especially when you cannot see or feel the muscle.

This scenario is especially true when dealing with spasmodic dysphonia for which targeted botox injections are quite helpful. Given the muscles that need to be injected are contained inside the voicebox and not able to be seen and felt from outside the neck, accurate injection is quite difficult without EMG guidance.

Watch a video of this procedure using a traditional EMG system.

However, such traditional EMG systems are "overkill" in terms of technology and cost when all it is being used for is muscle placement.

It was with great excitement that a compact EMG device has been developed for just such a need when all that is required is needle localization for directed drug delivery.

Check out the MyoGuide made by Intronix Technologies based in Canada. The US supplier is Ambu.

I've been using MyoGuide for a few months now and am quite pleased with its performance. It pretty much does exactly what I want it to do... no more or less. There is both audio and display feedback, though I mainly depend on audio. It runs only on batteries.

For head and neck muscle injections, I find that a volume setting of 8 and vertical sensitivity of 6 works best.

My personal preference is using Ambu Inoject 35mm 27G needle for ADductor spasmodic dysphonia and the Allergan EMG needle for ABductor spasmodic dysphonia.

For those interested in trying out this device, there is a 2 week free trial.


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