Breaking News
Sunday 3 June 2012

Info Post

Given the uproar over the lack of transparency of surgery prices, it was only a matter of time before an operating facility in the United States (oversea facilities have already done so) takes the step of posting the cost of surgery... a set cost that is exactly what a patient pays. Complete cost transparency.

The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is an AAAHC accredited facility since 1998 and has over 40 participating surgeons. And they are the first that I'm aware of that has taken the step of posting the cost of surgery on their website. The caveat being the cost shown ONLY applies to those who do not have health insurance.

On their website, they state:
"Transparent, direct, package pricing means the patient knows exactly what the cost of the service will be upfront. Fees for the surgeon, anesthesiologist and facility are all included in one low price. There are no hidden costs, charges or surprises."
Keep in mind that this cost is NOT just the surgeon's fee, but also includes the anesthesia charges as well as facility charges. Read more about such charges here.

So what are the charges? They have it all posted on their website!

But below is a list of charges for ENT procedures as of 6/3/12 (surgeon, anesthesia, and facility charges all bundled into a single charge). The webpage also includes prices for general surgery, orthopedics, urology, ophthalmology, etc.

I wonder if other facilities in the United States will start following suit???

Thyroidectomy$ 6,160.00
Lymph Node Excision / Biopsy$ 2,255.00
Myringoplasty$ 2,400.00
Bilateral Myringotomy with tubes$ 1,700.00
Tympanoplasty$ 5,060.00
Tympanoplasty - Mastoidectomy$ 7,050.00
Mastoidectomy$ 6,640.00
Inner Ear - Stapedectomy$ 5,390.00
Ossiculoplasty$ 5,060.00
Cochlear Implant$ 8,800.00
Foreign Body Removal$ 1,500.00
Bilateral SMR Turb$ 2,700.00
Sinus / Turbinates 1 side$ 3,795.00
complex$ 4,950.00
Sinus / Turbinates both sides$ 4,510.00
complex$ 5,885.00
Septoplasty$ 3,550.00
Septoplasty and Sinus/Turbinates$ 5,060.00
Nasal Fracture Simple Closed$ 1,900.00
Nasal Frature Complex Open$ 4,015.00
Tonsillectomy$ 3,050.00
Adenoidectomy$ 2,695.00
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy$ 3,695.00
Adenoidectomy and BMT$ 3,300.00
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy and BMT$ 4,400.00
Frenulectomy$ 1,600.00
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty$ 5,445.00
Diagnostic Laryngoscopy with biopsy$ 2,970.00


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