Breaking News
Sunday 2 September 2012

Info Post
Given how extensive the practice website is (250+ webpages; 1300+ if including blog), I often get asked by patients and other offices how did I go about developing it.

First off, I am fortunate that I have some computer programming skills and have been creating websites since the 1990s. I have decent HTML knowledge with a dash of CSS understanding. I am clueless with  making new javascripts, but know how to use ones that have been already created.

As such this baseline knowledge of mine is sufficient to extensively look for answers to questions using google and if necessary, plagiarizing code that accomplishes a task I require.

However, I also bring in help when I need it. I have a few absolutely awesome and reliable computer programmers I tap when I need it including Chris Ferrell with PettyGroveFull (New York City) and Chris Mohler (Memphis, TN) who is a freelance programmer. 

They are both diligent, fair, trustworthy, and provide regular feedback (I have never even met them face-to-face).

Chris Ferrell re-designed my entire website incorporating HTML5 and CSS3 a few years ago.

Chris Mohler than optimized the website further and enabled mobile viewing more recently.

For other programming tasks that Ferrell and Mohler are unable to help with (programmers have their areas of specialty just like doctors!), I go to Elance which is an awesome website where one can post a job ("I need somebody to redesign my blog and move it to Wordpress") and various contractors looking for jobs can than bid on it.

Just like, contractors have star ratings from prior clients.

And given the work is digital, the you can tap anybody in the WORLD... so bids can come from not only North America, but India and Russia.

As such, prices can be quite competitive and much lower than what one would expect given contractors are competing against everybody else in the world!

Indeed, I currently have an ongoing project I granted to a programming group in Indonesia. So far, so good!


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